Patchwork Kilim 1 | Ornate

Patchwork Kilim 1


Patchwork kilim by Ornate
Patchwork kilim by Ornate

Handmade by artisans from Rajasthan in India using traditional flat looms, this handwoven kilim features tribal patterns that meet bold geometric designs and brightly coloured elements in bright red, for a durable and incredibly versatile result that fits any style interior, bringing an interesting twist to contemporary spaces. Made by interweaving various colored wool & jute “wefts and warps” it almost has no pile height, making it easy to roll-up for cleaning. It is so unique and manageable that it can also be used as a wall hanging or a decorative table cover.

345×295 cm

Patchwork Hand-Woven

Made from mix of natural wool & jute fibers